Friday, February 17, 2012


     This popular meme is a reaction image based on a still shot of an Asian man showing us a bizarre expression and a caption reading “impossibru,” which is typically interpreted as the English equivalent of the word “impossible” (Japanese: インポシブルimposhiburu). Both the image and the phrase are typically used to express someone’s surprise or shock across various forums and image board sites, like 4chan, and is similar with the Rape Face expression meme.
     According to Know Your Meme, the man shown in the original photograph is Ayumu Kato, a Japanese comedian, who became one of many celebrity victims in the popular hidden-camera prank show Panic Face King. In the episode, Kato is introduced to a group of businessmen (played by hired actors) under the premise of a business meeting. But as they begin their conversation, the three businessmen suddenly get shot down in front of him and a man wearing body armor enters the room to fire at the “snipers” outside. Kato falls to the floor in panic and moments later, another man enters the room with a gun, puts it to his head and informs him that he’d been punked by the TV show.
     Since its creation around 2010, this meme has been featured on many blogs, image boards, and forms, including FunnyJunkI Can Has CheezburgerFAILblog, and 4chang. There are also groups that have been made on Facebook that only talk about the “Impossibru” meme.
     As with most reaction based memes, this is used primarily as a reply to someone or something that someone is surprised, in fear, or in disbelief. This meme is also commonly photoshopped onto other peoples, animals, and cartoon character faces. 

1 comment:

  1. Awesome blog!
    It was totally hilarious but at the same time i feel really bad for that Japanese man.
    I think you had good background information on the image and I love your photo references.
